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Any item purchased from us may be returned, if substantial and genuine reasons related to the condition of the product delivered – like transit damage or manufacturing defect, if any, are established beyond doubt. This sort of claims needs to be substantiated with logical and acceptable explanations, while we will try to be of maximum help to customer concerned, possible under the circumstances, as the case may be.

Any return claim will have to be raised/ registered within 24 hours of delivery itself, preferably the same day. All the related documents, accessories, packing and fitments, carton etc should be available without exception with the customer and at the shipping address in order to be eligible for a return / replacement claim.

The replacement requirements, if any, will be governed by the replacement policy of the Brand of the product concerned. Most of the brands will require an inspection and certification by the authorized service personal of the Brand concerned. The visiting technician’s recommendation reports are filed with the authorities at the Brand service station and processed for approval by the competent authority, who will examine the claim and reports before initiating authorization procedures. Once the authorization is issued by the Brand authorities the replacement will be effected by www.adishwarestore.com.

The return / replacement process may take time from one day to fifteen days in standard cases and even more in exceptional cases, if any.

If refunds are to be effected also similar procedure will be followed and refund initiated after ascertaining all facts involved based on authorization by competent authorities, on a case to case basis.

In the case of purchase against credit cards/debit cards etc these requirements will be mandatory and also to meet the requirements of risk management of the servicing bank and the card bank, as applicable.

This is the standard procedure for return / replacements.

This policy may undergo changes and amendments from time to time without notice as is applicable.